Review of The Soul of a Lady by Wanda Luce ~ Published by Walnut Springs Press

Be sure and visit my Facebook page and enter for a chance to win  a new copy of The Soul of a Lady by Wanda Luce . . . I’ll pick a winner on Friday, October 21st!

Wanda Luce has done it again! The Soul of a Lady is another beautiful Regency Romance that will transport you to the lush gardens of Surrey, England and the forbidden arms of Connor Parkhurst, the much talked about Viscount Denton.
Lydia Hathaway, born in the upper echelons of English society, is now forced, by her deceased father’s failings, to take the position of companion to the young Susan Ashcroft of Danbury Park. Her loss of rank, though, cannot squelch her “she-tiger” spirit and fondness of forest ramblings, which puts her, literally, in the path of Lord Denton. Despite an awkward first encounter, their mutual attraction blossoms, yet as a six and twenty female companion, the best Lydia can hope to elicit from the opposite sex are “matronly-like comments.” Are Lord Denton’s attentions genuine or just more fodder for his established reputation as a lady’s man? Can Lydia win the ever-present inner battle against her love for the handsome Viscount?
To find the answers to these questions is a journey of lush prose and well-plotted storytelling you won’t want to end. The characters are believable, the dialogue real and the emotional struggle will have your heart aching to the last page. Thank you, Wanda, for another wonderful experience!

I’m so happy to have Wanda visit my blog and answer a few questions for us:wandapict

What is your inspiration for writing Regency Romance? You do such a lovely job of it.

Thanks, Amy, for your invitation to be interviewed! And thank you for reading my books! I love to talk about my writing. Responding to your first question is very easy. I write Regency Romance because it is by far my favorite genre. As a girl, I fell in love with all of Jane Austen’s works and the works of Dickens and Robert Lewis Stevenson. The historical elements and syntax contained some inherent magic that took hold of me and never let go. A few years ago while going through some difficult challenges, I picked up Jane Austen’s books again. Once I had re-read all of them, I read every clean Regency-set book I could find. That quest took me through all of Georgette Heyer’s novels and many of Joan Smith’s books. It was all pure magic to me. After devouring all of the clean ones I could find, the pickings got narrower and narrower. One day I complained to my husband that most of the Regencies seemed to contain porn. He responded, “Well, then why not write a clean one?” So I did!

I know that The Soul of a Lady is a rewrite of Lydia…how did this come about? I never read Lydia, but LOVE The Soul of a Lady?

I am so happy you loved The Soul of a Lady! Thank you for your kind comments. That is one thing an author lives for. I spent a year writing Lydia in response to my husband’s suggestion. Writing it was one of the most enjoyable things I had ever done. A year or so ago, my publisher, Walnut Springs Press, told me they wanted to re-release it with a new cover. I asked if I could revise it as well. They gave their nod of approval, and I went through and made many improvements and fixed a few historical issues.

What advice would you give to up and coming authors? Any specific advice for Regency Romance writers?

I think I will use a list format for my advice.

a. Read and study lots of books in your favorite genre.

b. Read and study everything you can on how to craft a great novel

c. Have friends or family or other authors read your writing and give you ideas on where and how you can improve. Decide ahead of time that honest input, however hard to hear, is one of your best friends. Learn to accept instructive criticism and grow from it.

d. Re-evaluate and revise your project until you have produced a great, polished manuscript. Don’t rush or cut corners like you might with other things. As you labor over each book, you will get better and better at seeing what is needed in a shorter amount of time.

e. Your storyline is the first and most important element of your book, focus on it, then make sure the quality of your writing makes it sing.

f. Don’t give up. Every author who succeeds has done so after a lot of hard work. Writing novels isn’t for everyone. I believe an author has to write because he or she finds the process irresistible and enjoyable.

g. Don’t let rejection of your work or fear of rejection control you. EVERY author experiences rejection. You cannot please everyone. It just doesn’t happen. Haters have written the cruelest things about all of the books I have loved. One of my favorite books of all time is the trilogy by Pamela Aidan. She rewrote Pride and Prejudice from Darcy’s point of view, and I think it is brilliantly done. I suppose she is one of the Regency authors I most want to emulate. Many who read the trilogy wrote scathing reviews! Unthinkable in my book. Well, that trilogy has been a hot item for a decade. Now, that is staying power. Unfortunately, the negative voices are always the loudest ones. Learn from the ones you agree with and discredit the others.

h. Above all, remember that every word, page, and chapter is like a jewel in a crown. Make sure they are properly cut and polished. Then, pat yourself on the back and cheer!

What’s next….can you give us a hint?

Well…since you asked! (Oh, I love being asked.) My present work-in-progress is a Regency-set romance (of course!) involving the daughter of a murdered English diplomat to the Austrian court and a bitter gentleman who holds her father guilty of treason and of inadvertently causing the deaths of his brothers. Each has reason to think the other a dangerous foe, but their conflict intertwines with romance as the heroine faces danger to prove her father’s innocence and as the hero seeks to prove her father’s guilt.

Thanks again, Amy, for taking the time to spotlight my book. I am so excited to read your second book, The Secret Obituary Writer. I loved your first book, Changing Worlds, and give it a definite five stars.

Thank you, Wanda, for this great advice and interesting insight into your writing. We will be waiting not-so-patiently for this next book…it sounds wonderful! You can find The Soul of a Lady at and And don’t forget to visit my Facebook page for a chance to win a new copy of The Soul of a Lady – I’ll pick a winner on October 21st!